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Nourish Community

Senior Thesis-2012/2013

     When designing an interior it is important to keep in mind how a person will function within the space. Many buildings offer space in a generic form, the design being based on the product the company yields rather than the building be designed around the people who utilize the building. Many of our psychological interactions with space happen subconsciously. As a designer, it is not just an aesthetic role, but a moral role to enhance the human interaction with space. Buildings need to function in a way that people are able to interact and prosper within the building envelope. Environmental psychology is the study of how a person perceives space. The point of this design research is how to bridge the gap between person and building. The purpose is making the building part of the person rather than the person part of the building.


      Nourish Life is an educational initiative design to open a meaningful converation aboutfood and sustainability, particularly in schools and community and to inform and inspire the largest number of people. With a distinctly positive vision, Nourish celebrates both food and community. Nourish is a program of WorldLink, a nonprofit organization with twenty-two years experience in designing education and outreach programs. To maximize the effectiveness of Nourish, WorldLink is collaborating with more than 50 organizations dedicated to creating a sustainable food future.

Design Proposal:

    Comfort within your community is based on finding a reason to interact with others who work and live in your community and getting to know them. My proposal is to create a community center based off of the idea of creating a central point in which the public functions. The center will be in a rural location with easy access to outdoor facilities. The users of this space will be the general public with a range of income varying from low-income to middle class families.

      In creating this community center, ideas of fostering sustainability, localvore, and growth will be able to be represented strongly within one design. The problem with communities today is that the members of the community do not feel comfortable in approaching functions or know when they are included. By being able to find what makes people comfortable both within the functions and resources of a space and the approachableness in design, the community center can be a successful building. It is shown that nature has an effect on how we develop as a community. By introducing the effects of food and creating community learning and dining events, the community can be formed into what really is a large family.

      I will approach the gap in research through physical example how all the components of environmental psychology is displayed in space. I will contrast both prospect and refuge and make use of different public spaces inspired by the architecture we create in our own private paces. A large emphasis will be put on multi-use spaces, where the public can utilize and create spaces that work for them. They will also be able to use all spaces for what they cannot create at home. Examples of this are study spaces, group meeting spaces, and music space to jam or perform.

      A prominent factor of this community center is to be able to learn and grow as a community. Workshops and classes will be held here on a variety of topics. Whether it is as complex as learning how to create and profit from a personal business or if it is simply to learn how to bake a pie. Education is what builds active communities and pushes growth. By having all classes open to the community, there is no discrimination towards those who have a GED and those with PHDs. By creating spaces that bring neighbors together, we are recreating our communities into more unified places. Knowing your neighbor is much more powerful than one can think. To feel safe in your community, you must know who lives there and be able to come together as one.


1 Als Avenue, Greensboro, Vermont 05841


      Placement is important. In order to create an inviting space, placement of the building must be easily accessible to all. Nourish Community is walking distance to town as well as the lake.


Renewable resources available are windand solar energies.


      The table plays an important role in ones life. It is the epicenter of family get togethers, dining with friends, and any other numerous types of celebration. This project will abstract both the social and physical atrributes of the table.

Social: At this table we are exchanging energy. We have the choice to be the active or passive matter.

Calm vs Chaos: The energy from beginning to end during a meal. The timeline of before people arrive, to during the meal, and ending as people leave. This allegory represents the energy between active spaces and passive spaces.

Networking of social passing: Diagraming the lines of interaction of all possible correlation. This metaphor leads to designing an active space allowing for ”what’s over there?” moments and the interaction of spaces through visual connections at decision points.


Movement: The movement of the table leaves pulling apart, rotating, and moving together as its own entity. Change in proximity, progression, time, movement.

      Proxemics plays a very important role in how the center is designed. By taking into consideration both introverts and extroverts, one can then understand the needs in which the design is to provide. By contrasting elements of refuge and prospect along with intimate formations versus more open, this center can then become more inviting to people of all personalities. The topography shown on each floor plan suggests which spaces are more close knit and which are more free based on the closeness of the lines.

First Floor:

All rendered in Revit and Photoshop CS6

Second Floor:

All rendered in Revit and Photoshop CS6


Rendered in Photoshop CS6

Final Renderings:

All rendered in Revit and Photoshop CS6


High Tower Log Seat: Simplistic form lends imagination of use. Perching, sitting, use as table.

Itoki Tacit: Adjustable on all levels lends for optimum customization.

Itoki BioTable: Personal Use, Group Use, Temporary Use Table is adjustable in height as well as an ease in grouping and storage.

Molo Kraft Paper Lounger: Adaptive use transforms from high table to round lounger.


Rendered in Revit and Photoshop CS6

  • Bio-Dome inspired architecture.

  • Photovoltaics are installed on green house domes.

  • Permeable pavers are used in entry.  These alternate spaces of grass and concrete allowing a balance of hard and soft materials.

  • Large Maple and Pine trees allow for natural shading above green house domes.

  • Green roof used to replace natural habitat loss during construction.  Also acts as a passive heating and cooling system.

Copyright 2012 Kristen Piper Design.

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