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Endicott College

     I attained my undergraduate degree at Endicott College in Beverly, MA.  Here I was introduced to the many different phases of design.  This college also awakened my love for all types of design.  I truly did not know all of the different paths of design until I was submersed into the variety of classes.  Every semester brought forth a new type of design to undertake.  As students we were able to experiment with different design styles and learn different components such as building systems, sustainable practices, and different case studies.

​      Besides focusing on sustainability, I focused largely on the psychology of design.  How do spaces impact people, why do somes spaces work while others do not and the different needs between genders, age and culture.  This is something that I focused on in each design, but thoroughly researched for my senior thesis.

I'm Another Title

Copyright 2012 Kristen Piper Design.

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